Tick, tick, ticking of the clock on the wall.
A rustle of leaves on the porch, as they fall
The building sadly creaks under the strain.
Splashing on the roof, the winter's rain.
The stealth-like footfall of the neighbour's cat,
My thoughts, first of this, and then of that,
A cacophony of sounds assaulted my ears,
Replace your voice, now that you're not here.
I’ve missed listening to your girlish whims,
Your voice, the colour a nightingale sings.
I missed the orchestra that plays in your smile,
Let me swim again in your tune for a while.
But, yet when our love song was sweetly playing,
I felt no love, just loves hurt betraying,
You gave me love, but gave me no choice,
Gave the sound of love, but gave me no voice.
You chose a different sound for me to listen to,
A sad sound that mimics the Mississippi blues,
You’ve gone, other noises, as well as silence reigns,
The remembrance of our love song lyrics slowly wanes.