Sam quietly opened the study door.
Her stepfather was standing by his desk,
Rapt by a letter from the morning post
Looking near comically Chaplinesque
"You'll never get those filthy hands of yours,''
''on what I've built, you despicable slag"
He was shouting loudly at the letter
"I'll finish you, you malevolent hag,"
From the desk, he took the long letter knife
Stabbing the letter many times with force
The knife penetrated the wooden desk
His violent rage showed little remorse
He ripped at the pages with such fury
Until the letter scraps were small enough
He threw the page remnants into the fire,
"You depraved woman, I'm calling your bluff"
He placed one hand, watching nonchalantly,
onto the cold high marble mantle shelf
He sneered, keeping an eye as the paper burned
With a fiendish stare, he chuckled to himself
Still standing, he was watching, fixated
Sam then purposely coughed, a worried cough
He quickly turned and looked uncomfortable
His demonic face soon changed, becoming soft
"Good morning darling, have you stood there long? "
"You shouldn't have entered. I was ill-prepared "
He walked slowly, shuffling nearer to Sam,
Normally confident, now she was scared
"Is breakfast ready? It is? Well, let's go"
His arm went around Sam, he grabbed the door
No way of ever knowing the contents
As charred remains smoulder on the hearth floor