Russell JacklinLacey DogOur beautiful Romanian rescue travels life in a new direction. Her shiny damp nose nestles deep Pursuing our love and affection...
Russell JacklinHome from PontefractDriving home today, Pontefract is where I've been. Via the M1 at Leeds Onto the M18. Vertical hard rain, Coming down without pause,...
Russell JacklinAsking God a QuestionOur Father, I ask of you, You had the power of life, You picked the hour my mother died, Why then?
Russell JacklinShoppingI hate weekly food shopping I feel sometimes like topping myself, I’d enjoy hopping around on one leg for a week, or lopping my legs off...
Russell JacklinPeterborough CityThe worst place to reside? So the tabloid listings say, I do though, so agree, It's quite unpleasant, And hostile to happy smiles
Russell JacklinShe's Gone SongPlease don't go, yet I knew that if you stayed we'd only fight. I thought it true, that given time, Our love would see us right. How...
Russell Jacklin There's been an accident on the M1Red in front, white behind, A repeating orange, Flying forward from the rear, A blur of dashing blue, Reds becoming brighter. Another...