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Alliterative Dating
Single salacious Sagittarian, Seeks safe sexual satisfaction, Sensually seductive Scorpion sought. Simply, send solicited Snapchat...
1967 Coniston Water
Bluebird whistles in the air, We were there, when The bluebird dipped into the lake, It reminds me of us, once singing sweetly Then down,...
Tack using life’s winds
Misfortune can happen in the briefest of consequences, Comparable duration to the twinkle of an eye, Causing my singularity to be ripped...
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Goodbye Mum
I'm sitting in this quiet shell, I neither belong to it, nor it to me, I want to lift up my head, just once, Then sail away, be free. My...
You Can’t Fly A Kite In The Rain
The only obligation for living, Is that we lay down somewhere and die, The only thought we have of happiness, Is felt as we breakdown and...
Sorry Is A Simple Word
I didn’t need to search my conscience to understand. That to hurt you was something I never thought I could, I have held you in my heart...
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The old man in the next bed,
It's coming, I know it, My final hours of life, I have regrets But I have no more strife, My past stretched behind me There is nothing...
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The Man in the Crooked Hat
"No one will know," said the man in the crooked hat. "No one will guess. See, I'm very well respected." "I'm a pillar of this community,”...
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The Last Will and Testament of a Poet
My England. May I ask? That when death calls, You'll caress this poet. Where his shadow falls, On his grave, Lay a rose of deepest red,...
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I, Pothos
Ms. D. Foster-Smith, Ms. D. Foster-Smith, Beauty unrivalled in the upper fifth. Youthful and light, like Beaujolais Nouveau Furtively...
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Sometimes I Need Leading
For ages now, I've been beside myself, Continually wondering, Why you're not beside me, I've realised I’m a fool, because you and I Are...
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Blue Eyes Through Black Mascara
This heart of mine yearns to be hugged. Without you, life is a little incomplete. You left us all; you left me more. I cried, holding my...
The School Run
Young mums of all shapes and sizes, Stood outside the little school gates, Superciliously smiling, At other young mums, as they wait....
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Morning Canine Constitutional Stroll
White frost underfoot, Green shoots poking through, My shoes letting the cold come in, What’s it like for you? Circling slowly, You need...
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Hula skirts, Kisses and Leis
To sleep, I remember nothing during the time that I’m asleep, Do you? I dream of exotic places with sandy beaches, Desert island, Ladies...
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Mrs. Lloyds Daughter
Mrs Lloyds' daughter, Carrie, Lives a fast life, will not tarry, Wishing away the nights that she sleeps, Cursing the hours of the days...
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A Dutchman Earmarked For Greatness
(Words in bold are his paintings) There was once a painter called Van Gogh, Who painted young Adeline Ravoux, Still life, Cabbage and...
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This And That Of Love
Who would have thought, at the start of our beginning, I've been thinking about this or that, Or even anything at all. It doesn't seem to...
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Youthful Love
Together in the park, that summer, we had so much fun, Such a lark, the both of us carefree and young, Escaping mothers who were highly...
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There was a young girl from Dundalk Who did nothing all day but talk She once sprained her throat Her voice became croaked She could no...
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